Hansika's Energy Potion

Heroine Hansika Motwani, who made her debut in Telugu with "Desamuduru", never goes out without a packet of ........ in her bag. Interested?... Want to know what it contains?.... Well! It's nothing else, but green tea packets. For every thing Hansika depends on her mother's guidance.

When friends ask her "where do you keep your monies", she says "I give them to my mother who takes care of me always. Evrything in my life is decided by my mother. Right from getting up in the mornig, what breakfast I shoud have how many calories it should be etc. are all decided by my mom only. She is my guide and everything. In my childhood she used to give me green tea when I got tired. Now also I drink it when I feel tired. Thatis why I always keep green tea bags with me on outdoors."

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