Recently news appeared in a part of media that "I-nec Colours", a film making company has demanded Rs. 12 lakhs for the title "Rummy" from Kamakshi Kala Movies. Kamakshi Kala Movies is making a movie with Nagarjuna titled "Kedi". I-nec Colours chief surendra refuted the charges saying " we are thinking of making a movie with the title since long.
But due to sudden death of Sharath Chandra, whom we selected to be its director, it could get started till now. In the meantime a person came to us and introduced himself as the manager of Kamakshi Kala Movies. He told us that his company is interested in the title and asked for its price. We told him clearly that we are not interested in parting with the title as we are going to start making it soon. But in a certain section of media it was said that we demanded 12 lakhs for the title. It is all false news and has irked us a lot. There is no reason or necessity for us to sell the title
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